Like most surgical procedures, [surgery] is associated with the following risks and complications:
Although the recurrence of [condition] is not very common, after surgery, you would need to follow preventive measures.
Specific complications of [surgery] may include
Prior to making any decision to have surgery, it is important that you discuss any concerns with your surgeon and understand the potential risks so that you can make an informed decision regarding the surgery’s advantages and disadvantages.
Specific complications associated with [Surgery] may include
Complications are not common but can occur.
Like most surgical procedures, [Surgery] is not risk free, and while most risks are uncommon they can occur. The following list includes some risks and complications associated with the procedures we perform:
Rarely do these complications prevail over the long term.
Sometimes the potential risks and consequences of your surgical procedure need to be weighed against the benefits of a successful surgical outcome. Like most [Surgery] these benefits can include:
Although the recurrence of the presenting problem is not very common, after surgery, you would need to follow preventive measures.
It is important to avoid high impact activities during the early phase of recovery to minimise the risk of further injury. If there are any postoperative concerns or pain, please do not hesitate in contacting [doctor] or the rooms.
Early mobilisation is a major preventive measure. We strongly encourage you to get moving and out of bed as soon as possible after the operation to restore normal blood flow in the legs.
You should aim to do at least ten short walks (of between 2 and 5 minutes) each day in the first two weeks after surgery.
Blood clots (DVT or PE)
All patients receive a number of treatment measures to reduce the risk of blood clots. These include
As a result of these measures, we have never had a patient develop a deep venous thrombosis.
Any patient who is at high risk of a blood clot (such as a history of blood clots or clotting disorders) may be asked to continue heparin (Clexane) injections for 10 days after the surgery in addition to the other measures.
This can be done at home, and we will show you how.